
Located on Route 48 is the village of Oreana, Illinois. As of 2021, this community has a population of about 860 people, and is found 10 miles northeast of Decatur. The similarly-sized community of Argenta is a 5-minute drive to the north. Despite its size, Oreana has a lot of great amenities, including a library, community center, and a Dollar General. Homes in this village are quite beautiful, and are often surrounded by mature trees. View more Oreana, IL real estate information.

Sunset over grassy field in Oreana, IL

Oreana Real Estate Statistics

Average Price $216K
Lowest Price $0
Highest Price $6.5M
Total Listings 692
Avg. Days On Market 212
Avg. Price/SQFT $101

Property Types (active listings)

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Schools in Oreana

The village of Oreana, Illinois is served by the Argenta-Oreana School District. Click for more information about Oreana's School District.

Sunroom of home in Decatur, Illinois

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